Kentucky Historical Society
The Kentucky Historical Society is many things: a museum, a library, an educational institution, a research center. We oversee two historic sites and protect a treasure trove of documents and artifacts for the public. But at the heart of it all, we’re a far-reaching network of people devoted to exploring and preserving Kentucky’s rich and fascinating past, and using the power of history to improve life today.

Center for African American Heritage
The Kentucky Center for African American Heritage is the result of a collection of African American educators, artists and historians who have collaborated to give the long dormant history of African Americans in the region the voice and platform it deserves.

Kentucky Humanities Council
Telling Kentucky's story.... More than just history, by Kentucky's story we mean Kentucky's writers, inventors, judges, musicians, architects, doctors – in short, the contributions from every walk of life to the quality of life in Kentucky. We recognize a need to build civic engagement as well as literacy, and we want to involve all ages and all places from Pine Knot to Princeton. Everyone has a story to tell, and everyone can learn from the stories of others. These stories, taken together, are the stories of our communities, our counties, our regions, and our unique Kentucky culture and heritage.

Kentucky Heritage Council
the Kentucky Heritage Council (KHC) serves as the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), responsible for the identification, protection and preservation of prehistoric resources and historic buildings, sites and cultural resources throughout the commonwealth. Since 1966, KHC has partnered with local, state and federal agencies, preservation organizations, local governments and interested citizens to fulfill our mission - which is integral to making communities more livable and has a far-ranging impact on issues as diverse as economic development, jobs creation, heritage tourism, affordable housing, community revitalization, environmental conservation and quality of life.